Cancellation and Refund Policy
We are dedicated to provide you the best services but there are times when things go wrong. We try our level best that there are no situations arising when you are not satisfied with what you have received or you find a difference between what you have ordered and what you have received. But at any time due to some unavoidable circumstances you are unsatisfied with what you have received then contact us at the earliest and we will gladly assist you to find out a solution with mutual consent.
If you find your website package is not as committed, get in touch with us within15 days from activation date of your hosting service. On receiving your e-mail, our sales team will get in touch with you and try to provide you service as committed at the time of order but if you are still not satisfied with it your hosting payment will be refunded and your services will be deactivated.
In case of domain there will be no refund once it is registered or renewed
Our ultimate aim is a satisfied and a happy customer.